2052 Little Forks Rd., Little Forks, NS, B0M 1X0
Phone: 902-597-2799 Fax: 902-667-5873
Your Partners in Waste Reduction
Cumberland Joint Services Management Authority (CJSMA) is a board
authority made up of the 3 municipalities in Cumberland County. Each
municipal unit assigns elected officials to the Board; the Municipality of
the County of Cumberland (3), the Town of Amherst (2), and the Town
of Oxford (1). A Board Chair is appointed annually by a member unit
on a rotating basis.
CJSMA is responsible for operating the solid waste facilities located at
Little Forks. This includes ensuring that the Provincial Solid Waste
Regulations, including disposal bans, are followed. We also provide
public education, information and assistance on solid waste programs
in Cumberland County.
The individual municipal units implement and administer their own solid
waste programs, with public assistance and education efforts provided